
PPP does not play politics on Kashmir: Bilawal

Pakistan’s enemy is keeping an eye on its weaknesses, says Bilawal

October 05, 2016

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari spoke to reporters following the joint parliamentary session.

Bilawal said his party did not play politics on Kashmir policy, adding “we all are united over the issue of Kashmir.”

"Some of our friends did not do the right thing by boycotting the session," he added.

The PPP chairman told reporters the All Parties Conference (APC) was called on the demand of Khursheed Shah. Bilawal said he had given recommendations to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during the APC and the prime minister had said we all want national unity.

“Pakistan’s enemy is keeping an eye on its weaknesses,” Bilawal said.

The PPP chairman further said the prime minister should appoint a foreign minister and that he had also recommended the formation of a National Security Committee.

Bilawal also referred to the Panama Leaks, saying that the world’s biggest corruption scandal should be resolved.

Taking exception to the Indian prime minister, he said that Modi was previously labeled as butcher of Gujarat, but now he has also become butcher of occupied Kashmir.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardarisaid that Imran Khan should have come to today's session, for the National Assembly and the Senate do not belong to Nawaz Sharif; they belong to the people and we all are public representatives.

"Politics is not like cricket in which you try hitting back-to-back sixes and hope that one of these sixesmayhelp instate you as the prime minister," the PPP chairman said.

He claimed thatin 2018the premiership would be with his party and Nawaz Sharif would be behind the bars in the wake of Panama Papers leaks. "I would strengthen the PPP and it would again rise to power in the future," he vowed.

Addressing the prime minister, Bilawal said, "You are the prime minister of the entire country, not just of Lahore. Do not make the CPEC controversial, for now your allies have also started complaining".
