
Shark patrol drones in Australia fitted with danger sirens

SYDNEY: For the first time, drone sirens will be used to warn beachgoers of approaching sharks, the New South Wales State...

June 29, 2017

SYDNEY: For the first time, drone sirens will be used to warn beachgoers of approaching sharks, the New South Wales (NSW) State Government in Australia said on Thursday.

"Drones and helicopters have proved a very successful measure in protecting beachgoers last summer they spotted 571 dangerous sharks and assisted in saving two swimmers caught in a rip," NSW Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair said in a statement.

"We are committed to doing all we can to protect beachgoers and one of the best ways we can do this during the busy school holidays is through our eyes in the sky.

" Beginning on July 1, the Northern NSW coast will be the first location to trail the world-first technology, as the are has suffered a substantial increase in shark attacks over recent years.

Of the 26 shark attacks that occurred in Australia during 2016, 16 of them were in New South Wales.

The State is also turning to mobile technology in order to keep surfers informed.

An app called SharkSmart will be used to update beachgoers of any breaking news at their local beach.

To go along with the science-driven, shark management strategy, 35 baited drumlines have been deployed which provide real-time shark alerts via Twitter and the App when a tagged shark swims within 500 meters.
