
How much did it rain in Karachi today?

Data shows Gulshan-e-Maymar received the most rain today in three hours

Afzal Nadeem Dogar
July 15, 2022
Commuters push their motorbikes along a street during a monsoon rainfall in Karachi on July 5, 2022. —AFP
Commuters push their motorbikes along a street during a monsoon rainfall in Karachi on July 5, 2022. —AFP

KARACHI: The Meteorological department’s recently released data showed that the Gulshan-e-Maymar area of Karachi received the most rain today in three hours.

According to the data released by the Met Office, 6.1mm rainfall was recorded in the vicinity of Gulshan-e-Maymar. Meanwhile, 4mm rainfall was recorded in Saadi Town, 2.4mm in Jinnah Terminal, and 2mm on University Road and Surjani Town, respectively.

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Earlier today, a PMD official said another powerful monsoon system from the Bay of Bengal, which is almost 90% identical to the previous system, which caused devastation in Sindh and Balochistan, has entered southern Sindh.

Under the influence of a strong monsoon system that has entered southern Sindh from neighbouring India, different areas of Karachi received light rain and drizzle Thursday night, followed by a dust storm, according to PMD officials, who had forecast proper rains in different areas of the city on Friday with some heavy showers.
