
Pakistanis welcome New Year with hopes for peace

KARACHI: Pakistanis welcomed New Year with prayers for peace and joy as 2014 ended, leaving the entire nation with grim memories...

By  AFP   |  
January 01, 2015
KARACHI: Pakistanis welcomed New Year with prayers for peace and joy as 2014 ended, leaving the entire nation with grim memories of Peshawar school massacre.

New Year celebrations were cancelled in the country due to the tragedy that occurred on December 16. Taliban gunmen killed almost 150 people at a Peshawar school majority of them children. Candle light vigils were held in different parts of the country.

Intermittent aerial firing was heard in different cities of Pakistan as clocks struck midnight.

A spectacular display of fireworks that is arranged at Karachi Port to celebrate New Year was also cancelled.
