
Kelly Osbourne comes to mom Sharon's aid against Amanda Holden

Kelly Osbourne has joined her mom Sharon's feud with Amanda Holden

By  Web Desk   |  
April 13, 2024
Kelly Osbourne has joined her mom Sharon's feud with Amanda Holden

Kelly Osbourne has come to her mother Sharon Osbourne’s aid as her feud goes on with Amanda Holden, who defended Simon Cowell when Sharon spoke her mind about him on Celebrity Big Brother.

After Amanda called out Sharon for saying negative things about Simon, Sharon shared a lengthy statement in response, calling her “ill informed sycophantic”. Now, her daughter Kelly has come out in her support.


Taking to her Instagram Story, Kelly shared a clip where author Daniel Chidiac said: “Some people are really so delusional that they think it's disrespectful when you don't just sit back and allow them to disrespect you anymore.”

In Amanda’s statement to the Daily Mail, she had said: “I hated seeing certain people in a reality show dissing Simon - he's the person who's given them all the chances, given them a lot of money and a lifestyle they probably wouldn't have had.”

“It's bitter and pathetic. It was like Cinderella with her two sisters in the background - just stabby, stabby, stabby.”

Sharon then responded with: “Amanda, I am responding to your interview with the Daily Mail on April 12th, I respect the fact that you feel the need to defend your good friend and employer, Simon Cowell, who is also your husband's employer, or so I've read. However, a couple of your statements regarding myself are factually incorrect.”

“Amanda, I think you're missing the point here, no disrespect to Simon Cowell, but he NEEDED ME for musical credibility on X Factor and I delivered for him and together all of us made a great team.”

“Unlike you, the brand of Sharon Osbourne is known worldwide. There are many countries that I could work in if I choose to, however, I don't have the ambition or time to do so,” she remarked.

Sharon highlighted her luxurious lifestyle in response to Amanda crediting her lifestyle to Simon and X Factor: “Our worlds are totally different. I have been blessed with an amazing lifestyle throughout my entire life.”

“Before you were born, I was living in a mansion in Beverly Hills and continue to do so today and continue to have my country estate in England as well,” she added.
