
Billions needed for rehabilitation of terror-hit IDPs: Nawaz

OSLO: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday said his government was paying special attention to the education sector in areas...

July 07, 2015
OSLO: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday said his government was paying special attention to the education sector in areas badly affected by terrorism.

Addressing a meeting here on the subject of education, the Pakistani premiere said the country needs billions of rupees for the rehabilitation of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Hundreds of thousands of IDPs had migrated from North Waziristan in the mid of last year to help security forces conduct the ongoing operation Zarb-e-Azb against the local and foreign militants in the country's tribal areas.

The Prime Minister said: "Despite terrorism, floods and other challenges, the Pakistan government was paying special attention to education and the teachers were being trained to teach children in terrorism-hit areas.”

PM Sharif stressed that the international community should accord foremost priority to the promotion of education.
