Pakistan hands dossier to UNMOGIP on ceasefire violations by India

Representatives of the UNMOGIP on Sunday met officials at the General Headquarters (GHQ) Rawalpindi, where they were handed over the dossier

Pakistan hands dossier to UNMOGIP on ceasefire violations by India

RAWALPINDI/ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Sunday handed over a dossier carrying evidences of ceasefire violations by India along the Line of Control (LoC) to the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) and requested it to investigate the matter, according to the Foreign Office of Pakistan.

Representatives of the UNMOGIP on Sunday met officials at the General Headquarters (GHQ) Rawalpindi, where they were handed over a dossier on repeated violations of the ceasefire agreement by the Indian forces along the LoC.

"The detailed dossier was given to UNMOGIP representatives at GHQ Rawalpindi on Sunday, in view of martyrdom of four people, including three children, by the Indian forces in Khuiratta Sector of the LoC yesterday," FO spokesman Nafees Zakariya stated on Twitter.

Pakistan has asked the UNMOGIP to investigate the incident, Zakariya said.

For nearly three months now, Indian forces have been violating the ceasefire agreement along the LoC and the Working Boundary. The aggressive posturing and continuing unprovoked fire by India has resulted in martyrdom of a number of Pakistani civilians and military troops.

Pakistan has repeatedly protested against the border violations on the diplomatic level, while the Pakistan Army and Rangers have also been responding to the Indian firing and shelling in a befitting manner.