Urge rape survivours to raise voice, we are with them: Mukhtar Mai

“Such incidents remind me of what happened with me in 2002,” she said


KARACHI: Gang rape survivor and social media activist Mukhtar Mai said on Wednesday that she would urge the rape survivours to raise their voice, saying that she and social activists are with the survivours and will do everything in their power to help their plight.

While speaking to Geo News, Mai said that she is heart-broken over the incident which took place in Multan, where a Panchayat allegedly ordered ‘revenge rape’ of a 16-year-old girl.

“Such incidents remind me of what happened with me in 2002,” she said.

Mai said that the flaw lies within the weakness in the law and lack of implementation puts hurdles in the way of justice.

The criminals have no fear of being caught due to political influence which tilts the matter in their favour.

“Either the perpetrators don’t get caught or get bail in such cases,” she said.

She further said that to prevent such cases she along with the NGOs have done everything in their power but not to much avail.

The government needs to do something concrete, said Mai.

Mai while highlighting the plight of the weak said that women don’t know much about the law and their legal rights. For awareness, government needs to begin efforts from the council level, she said.

Even slight implementation of the laws would make a huge difference, said Mukhtar Mai.

Mai was gang raped in 2002 over the orders of a Panchayat in the Muzaffargarh district. The men had raped Mai -- with the approval of the village council -- as a punishment after her 12-year-old brother was falsely accused of having an illicit relationship with a woman from the dominant clan in the village.