British-Pakistani man's son seeks justice over 'usurped property' in Lahore

Ahmed Adnan Khan appeals to chief justice of Lahore High Court to 'bring culprits to the court of justice'

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Ahmed Adnan Khan. Photo: Geo News

LONDON: A deceased British-Pakistani man’s son has appealed to the chief justice of the Lahore High Court to help him recover his father’s property which he alleged has been usurped by an influential man in Lahore.

Ahmed Adnan Khan said he is waiting for justice after the caretaker of his father’s property, Abdul Hameed Khan, illegally took over it and left him disabled after a murder attempt on his life in 2004.

Ahmed, the son of late professor Ajmal Khan who was an overseas Pakistani and studied at Chelsea College, University of London and later taught in Britain, lost his leg in 2004 after he was attacked by unknown men. The attack allegedly took place after Ahmed raised his voice against Abdul Hameed.

After the demise of Professor Ajmal Khan in 1997, Ahmed and his two minor sisters were unable to take care of their father’s property located in Urdu Bazar, Lahore and their mother appointed Abdul Hameed, a tenant in the area, as caretaker.

However, according to Ahmed, Abdul Hameed illegally took over the property and prepared a bogus sale deed in his and his sister, Farida Afzal’s name.

Papers show that it was impossible for Adnan to sell the property as it was never transferred to him or his sisters and remained in the name of their deceased father.

“It’s impossible to buy property from a dead man and it’s crystal clear that my family and I have been defrauded,” Adnan told

When contacted by, both Abdul Hameed Khan and his sister Farida Afzal categorically rejected the allegations levelled against them by Adnan.

Due to a serious ailment Abdul Hameed couldn’t answer properly and his son, Abdul Samad, spoke on his behalf.

Abdul Samad alleged that Adnan sold the property in question in 2000 against a lump sum payment of Rs4,500,000.

“He [Adnan] did not hand over the property even after full payment and asked for Rs1,500,000 more for dispossession which we also paid,” Abdul Samad said.

However, Abdul Samad and his father failed to provide any proof of payment to Adnan.

Adnan claimed that it is impossible for them to provide any proof of a payment since they never paid.

He further alleged that he was disabled in an attempt by Abdul Samad to “silence him”. However, Abdul Samad said that as far as the First Investigation Report is concerned, Adnan was in Manga Mandi where he was injured in fighting between two parties. “I have nothing to do with the attack on him,” he asserted.

Records show that Adnan filed a complaint before the Punjab Overseas Pakistani Commission on June 25, 2016 which was sent to the revenue department for investigation.

The case was referred to Anti-Corruption Establishment Lahore and Deputy Director Anti-Corruption Establishment Punjab Nawaz Gondal was appointed as inquiry officer.

However, Adnan alleged that “delaying tactics were used” and “the anti-corruption unit have not given their findings to the overseas commission”. 

Abdul Samad claimed that the anti-corruption establishment and oversees commission of Pakistan had closed the said inquiry. However, it is a fact that the overseas commission has not closed the case.

A spokesperson for the overseas commission said that they are waiting for a file from Nawaz Gondal. “The case is still open,” the spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, Nawaz Gondal told that the director general (DG) anti-corruption heard the case personally and investigated it thoroughly. “Adnan Khan failed to provide any evidence in his support,” he said.

“Adnan Ahmed Khan should take the case to civil courts for further clarification. My department understands that all documents submitted by Abdul Samad Khan are true and genuine. The case has now been closed,” Gondal added.

However, stating that he and his family do not have the funds to fight the case in civil court, Adnan appealed to Chief Justice of Lahore High Court to take suo moto notice and “bring the culprits to the court of justice”.

“I have no means to fight my case in civil courts as such cases take decades to settle and that’s a long wait to get justice. I am a disabled person and there’s no one to help me. This is a heartbreaking case and a clear violation of my human rights,” Adnan said.

He added, “My family is living a miserable life whereas the accused are enjoying and reaping huge financial benefits from the property that belongs to my family.”

“Only superior court can help me by looking into the whole case. My disability is killing me and I plead for justice,” he said.