We are not bound to be with PTI-led government: MQM-P leader

According to Amir Khan, we are no longer capable of carrying this burden of government's economic policies, more ministries

Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath

  • Amir Khan says now we ask for mercy from the government as we don’t want more ministry.
  • Wasim Akhter says he wonders, “how Imran Khan has become a Prime Minister of Pakistan.”
  • Amir Khan says we are not bound to be with PTI-led government.

Another key government ally, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan (MQM-P) in the centre, has raised grave concerns about government policies, with party senior leader Amir Khan saying, "Our legs have started trembling carrying the weight of the government's economic policies."

Talking about it on the Geo News Program Aaj Shahzaib Khanzada Kay Saath, Amir Khan stated, "For the time being, we are in government as a coalition partner with the PTI, but we have options on the table, whether to support the existing administration or to vote against the opposition's vote of no confidence."

"However, we have our own identity and are independent in making decisions; we are not obligated to work with the PTI-led government, and we will make decisions as we deem appropriate," he added.

"We have to call for a vote from the masses, not PTI, in the next general elections," adding that the people are in real pain owing to the ongoing rise in inflation."

In response to a query about the government expanding its cabinet to woo allies, Amir Khan remarked that he would be glad if the government returned the MQM-P's lone portfolio.

We'll now seek the government for mercy because we don't want any more ministries as our legs are trembling from holding the weight of the government's economic policies, he continued.

According to Amir Khan, we are no longer capable of carrying this burden.

The MQM-P leader blamed government policies for the rise in fuel prices, saying that if the government was forced to raise petroleum prices owing to international market mechanisms, then policies should have been implemented properly in the previous three years to bring relief to the people.

"If the government is forced to take such economic measures, then no one should blame the previous government for raising gasoline prices and inflation because the same issue occurred under past governments," he stated.

In response to an inquiry about whether his party or any other party member still receives calls, the MQM-P leader stated, "We are independent to take decisions, and we neither receive nor believe in calls."

"Yes, we have interactions with the government, but they cannot impose decisions on us," he added.

In response to the opposition's no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister, he stated that the opposition should "have a clear stand on a vote of no confidence," adding that "we want an independent local bodies system in Sindh, thus if contacted, we will present Sindh problems before the opposition."

Wasim Akhter wonders, “how Imran Khan has become a Prime Minister of Pakistan"

On the other hand, another MQM-P leader and former mayor of Karachi Wasim Akhtar said that we have a lot of  compulsions to support the incumbent government.

Speaking in Geo News Programme Jahsn-e-Cricket, Waseem Akhtar said that PTI would not have won 14 seats from Karachi if Khalai Makhlooq (aliens) had not played their part in the 2018 general elections.

Wasim Akhter said, he wonders, “how Imran Khan has become a Prime Minister of Pakistan.”

PML-Q urges government to revoke fuel price hike immediately

A day earlier the government closed aide in the centre and Punjab Assembly PML-Q had demanded to revoke an increase in petroleum prices immediately.

While expressing concerns over rising prices of electricity, gas, and petroleum products, including the country’s deteriorated law and order situation, PML-Q demanded the government to take back the decision on the increase in petroleum prices.

PML-Q members of the assembly stressed the need for the government to resolve poor people’s issues on an immediate basis. Otherwise, the situation would be out of control if relief was not provided to the masses.

Shahbaz Sharif meeting with MQM-P

On February 8, leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif met with MQM-P leadership to muster support for vote of no confidence against PM.

opposition leader in meeting with MQM-P leadership urged them to think about Pakistan before they think about their alliance with the PTI-led government.