Prince William warned his feud with Harry will ruin him 'till end of his days'

Prince William has been warned by experts that his rift with Prince Harry could ‘dog his reign until the end of his days’

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Prince William has been warned by experts that his rift with Prince Harry could ‘dog his reign until the end of his days’, reported The Daily Beast.

As per royal expert Tom Sykes, Prince William’s inability to sort out the rift with Harry could reflect badly on him as a future monarch and even spell trouble for the monarchy.

Sykes said: “If he cannot make peace with Harry, the rancorous fall out from a vicious family argument gone global will dog him, and his reign, until the end of his days."

His sentiments were echoed by royal expert Duncan Larcombe, who told Beast: “If William wants to be a future king, a great leader… then the public are within their rights to expect him to be able to sort out a frankly pretty minor dispute with his brother. He has to start showing some leadership here.”

The former royal editor for The Sun then added: “If he really does believe he is the chap chosen by god to be king, then he should be capable of sorting out this row with his brother.”