Feroze Khan approaches Karachi court for children’s custody

Feroze Khan's wife Alizey Sultan recently revealed couple has parted ways following months of crisis in their relationship

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Filmsar Feroze Khan with ex-wife Alizey Sultan. — Instagram
Filmsar Feroze Khan with ex-wife Alizey Sultan. — Instagram

  • Sultan recently revealed couple has parted ways following months of crisis in their relationship.
  • Produces children in court where they met with their Feroze.
  • Feroze says he divorced Alizey “due to unavoidable circumstances and lack of understanding”.

Drama and film actor Feroze Khan has approached a family court in Karachi through a petition seeking the visitation and custody rights of his two children after divorce from Alizey Sultan, it emerged Thursday.

Sultan was the first to reveal that the couple has parted ways following months of crisis in their relationship. The couple got hitched on March 30, 2018.

Khan filed his plea in the court of Family Judge-VIII (East) after his divorce was finalised on September 03. He has sought the permanent custody of his children — Muhammad Sultan Khan and Fatima Khan — under Section 25 of the Guardian and Wards Act and permission to meet them on a weekly basis until the case is decided under Section 12 of the Act.

At a hearing held on Wednesday, the respondent produced the minors in court where they also met with their father.

Lawyer Faique Ali Jagirani stated on Khan's behalf that he divorced Alizey Sultan on September 3 “due to unavoidable circumstances and lack of understanding” between them due to her "disobedience".

The counsel argued that his client, being the natural guardian of the minors, could not leave them at the mercy of his former wife as he had serious apprehensions about their future for “she is a careless lady”.

He maintained that the actor has every right to see, meet, visit his children and is entitled to get their permanent custody.

The counsel said the woman was not allowing Khan to meet with the minors, pleading with the court to direct her to hand over the custody of the minors to him permanently and permit him to meet the minors on a weekly basis until the application is decided.

After the hearing, the court directed Alizey Sultan to file her written statement on the application until October 01.

Feroz Khan’s statement

The actor said that as a law-abiding citizen of Pakistan he has full confidence in the justice of the court.

“Our divorce was finalised on 3rd September, 2022, after which I filed a family law case, asking for Custody of and visitation rights pertaining to my children Sultan and Fatima in the 8th Family Judge District, East Karachi on 19 Sep 2022.

Today, on 21st September, 2022, the Court heard both parties and allowed me to spend time with my children Sultan and Fatima for half an hour in his presence.”

“The Court then adjourned the matter till 1st October, 2022, on which date it will resume further proceedings related to visitation rights whereby I can continue to meet my children.”

About his ex-wife, Feroz Khan extended his “respect and support” as she was the mother of his children.

“I am afraid I am not in a position to further discuss this matter as the case is pending before the court.”