In pictures: Slogans and expressions from Karachi's Aurat March rally

Mission of Aurat March is to fight against gender bias, inequality and injustice against women, transgender and non-binary people

KARACHI: Scores of women belonging to all walks of life on Sunday joined the Aurat March to commemorate International Women’s Day.

The gathering — including students, residents of slums, domestic workers, lawyers, teachers, lady health workers and other professionals — was organised at Burns Garden.

The mission of this march is to fight against gender bias, inequality, and injustice against women, transgender, and non-binary people.

Every year, posters and placards highlight issues faced by women in society. Let’s take a look at some of the stills from today’s Aurat March.

A girl can be seen holding a placard during the Aurat March held at Burns Garden, Karachi on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A girl can be seen holding a placard during the Aurat March held at Burns Garden, Karachi on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
Two men with their daughters with placards hanged around their necks during Aurat March 2023 in Burns Garden Karachi on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
Two men with their daughters with placards hanged around their necks during Aurat March 2023 in Burns Garden Karachi on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A placard during the Aurat March held at Burns Garden, Karachi on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A placard during the Aurat March held at Burns Garden, Karachi on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author

A girl showing a placard highlighting the issue of honour killing during the Aurat March held at Burns Garden, Karachi on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A girl showing a placard highlighting the issue of honour killing during the Aurat March held at Burns Garden, Karachi on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author 
Scores of women can be sitting on the ground where this years Aurat March was organised on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
Scores of women can be sitting on the ground where this year's Aurat March was organised on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author 
A young girl can be seen posing for the camera with a slogan printed on her shirt at Burns Garden where Aurat March was held on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A young girl can be seen posing for the camera with a slogan printed on her shirt at Burns Garden where Aurat March was held on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author 
Several people associated with Workers Solidarity Federation show placards highlighting some of the grave concerns of the women at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
Several people associated with Workers Solidarity Federation show placards highlighting some of the grave concerns of the women at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author 
A young girl smiles for the camera showing a placard which reads that she isnt anything but a human being, at Burns Garden where Aurat March was held on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A young girl smiles for the camera showing a placard which reads that she isn't anything but a human being, at Burns Garden where Aurat March was held on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
Several men and women participate during this years Aurat March which was held at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
Several men and women participate during this year's Aurat March which was held at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A boy holding placard during this years Aurat March which was held at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A boy holding placard during this year's Aurat March which was held at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A girl and a boy showing a placard during Aurat March which was held at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A girl and a boy showing a placard during Aurat March which was held at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
Several men and women participate during this years Aurat March which was held at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
Several men and women participate during this year's Aurat March which was held at Burns Garden on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A boy holding a poster at Aurat March 2023 on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author
A boy holding a poster at Aurat March 2023 on March 12, 2023. — Photo by author