King Charles joined by Prince William to conclude tribute to late Queen

King Charles extended a scheme which planted around three million trees in memoriam of his late mother

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King Charles joined by Prince William to conclude tribute to late Queen
King Charles joined by Prince William to conclude tribute to late Queen

King Charles expressed his gratitude to all those who were involved in the Queen’s Green Canopy as he wrapped the initiative which planted around three million trees in memoriam of his late mother, per

“It is hard to believe that two years have passed since my mother and I planted a tree in Windsor Great Park to mark the commencement of the Queen’s Green Canopy.

The scheme was launched in May 2021 to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and was extended after her death in September last year as a tribute.

“It is hard to believe that two years have passed since my mother and I planted a tree in Windsor Great Park to mark the commencement of the Queen’s Green Canopy.”

Charles said, “As the second planting season draws to a close, and with it this vitally important initiative, I particularly wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone from across the United Kingdom who has helped to plant over three million trees to create an enduring legacy in Queen Elizabeth’s name.”

He added, “This project has shown how simple, practical and positive gestures can make a big difference, and I can think of no more fitting tribute to Her late Majesty’s 70-year reign.”

Charles was also joined by eldest son, Prince William, who planted one of the final trees, an acer, in the gardens of Sandringham House.

The monarch is a known lifelong environmentalist who believes that the younger generation is the only hope for the world to save it from the peril.

During his recent German visit, he stressed that it was imperative that the world realised the need to move towards more sustainable practices. “I’m becoming a frustrated old man. It all seems obvious to me,” he said. “The younger generation know, certainly.”