Embracing AI revolution: Gear up before AI gets you out of job

Professionals should embrace AI, focus on developing unique skills that AI cannot replicate, and leverage it as tool to improve their performance

Web Desk
Embracing AI revolution: Gear up before AI gets you out of job. AFP/File
Embracing AI revolution: Gear up before AI gets you out of job. AFP/File

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that can perform tasks typically done by humans. 

Some people worry that AI will take away jobs, but it's more likely to change the job market by replacing repetitive tasks and creating new opportunities. Just like automation in the past, such as automated switching in telecom, some jobs were lost, but new jobs were also created.

Experts say that instead of fearing AI, we should embrace it and use it to our advantage. AI can make our work more efficient and provide real-time data analysis. It can help professionals and managers by taking over mundane tasks and providing specialized assistance in areas like decision-making and customer segmentation.

While AI can do many things, there are still skills that only humans possess, like critical thinking, empathy, and creativity. These skills will always be in demand and cannot be replicated by AI. So, it's important to focus on developing these skills and finding ways to add value on top of AI-generated outputs.

To succeed in an AI-driven future, professionals should be open to learning and adapting. They should understand the potential of AI and how to apply it in their work. Deep technical knowledge is not always necessary; instead, they should leverage commercially available AI tools to enhance their productivity.

It's hard to predict exactly which skills will be most valuable as AI continues to evolve, but one thing is certain: the ability to adapt and learn will always be important. Creativity and continuous learning can set individuals apart in an AI-dominated world.

AI can be a powerful tool for augmentation rather than reproduction. By using it to enhance our abilities and adding value on top of what AI can do, we can ensure that our skills remain relevant and in demand.

AI will change the job market by replacing some tasks and creating new opportunities. Professionals should embrace AI, focus on developing unique skills that AI cannot replicate, and leverage AI as a tool to improve their performance. By doing so, they can thrive in the evolving AI landscape and remain valuable in the job market.