Katie slams fans for allegedly distorting her voice in 2005 video clip

Katie has now called the clip forged adding that someone has heavily distorted her singing voice to make her look bad

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Katie slams fans for allegedly distorting her voice in 2005 video clip
Katie slams fans for allegedly distorting her voice in 2005 video clip

Katie Price was recently seen puffing on a vape during the latest episode of the Katie Price Show podcast as she slammed fans for distorting her voice from a 2005 video clip in which she and her then-husband Peter Andre performed A Whole New World.

The video filmed in 2005 appeared to be from the BBC's star-studded Children in Need show, and to viewers' surprise, it featured Katie's failure to hit any of the notes.

Katie has now declared the clip as forged, adding that someone has heavily distorted her singing voice to make her look bad.

In conversation with her sister Sophie, who also appeared to be the co-host of Katie's podcast, the former I Am A Celebrity star said, "I can tell you exactly where that clip came from. Someone's tried to distort it and make me sound sh*t."

Sophie replied, "Yeah, I thought that." Katie immediately responded, saying, "People have seen me on TikTok singing it live to know that I can sing it."

Katie also vowed to make a rendition of the song again just to prove her point. However, she failed to convince her fans, as just after the clip from the podcast was posted on her Instagram account, her followers bashed the accusations.

One of her followers wrote, "Oh Katie, some did not distort it, you really cannot sing. Your singing career never took off because you just cannot sing." Another expressed, "You may be a bit deluded, Katie."