Prince Harry’s ‘confused’ and without a ‘sharp’ head

Prince Harry has come under fire for living in a reality of their own design

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Prince Harry’s ‘confused’ and without a ‘sharp’ head
Prince Harry’s ‘confused’ and without a ‘sharp’ head

Prince Harry has been accused of living in their own reality, that is nothing like the ‘real world’.

These allegations and insights have been issued by Princess Diana’s former butler, Paul Burell.

He weighed in on everything in one of his interviews with Slingo.

On behalf of it, Mr Burell said, “I think Harry is a little confused. He doesn’t have a sharp strategy and for many reasons.”

“I’ve turned off. I’m not the only one. I think throughout the country, people realize that he has abandoned this country and he’s abandoned the royal family, the institution of monarchy.”

“He’s turned his back on the people and his heritage and what was expected of him.”

Because of that, “quite frankly, there’s no place here [U.K.] for Harry.”

Currently, “he’s living in an alternative reality world now: one which he and Meghan have made and they’ve made their own rules to go with it, and I wish them well.”

While Mr Burell admits, “I keep wishing them well, but … this country and the people of this country have an opinion and I think Harry should be aware of that.”

“The general public of this country do have a very strong opinion about Harry and Meghan … I’m not sure he is aware, living inside this positive world of Montecito, Californian lifestyle.”

Mr Burell also said, “I think he is sometimes oblivious to it because he is rather petulant. He is a petulant prince. That’s my opinion,” he also added before signing off.