This is a way to address ‘psychological problems'

Stress and depression can be redressed by promoting Islamic calligraphy, says Siddique

A representational image. — X/ @MaleDepressed/File
A representational image. — X/ @MaleDepressed/File 

FAISALABAD: Calligraphy has deep links with Islamic art and it could also play a major role in redressing the psychological problems of people, said Senator Irfan Siddique.

He made the remarks while addressing the inaugural ceremony of a calligraphic exhibition at the Chenab Club Faisalabad on Saturday where artwork of renowned calligrapher Wasil Shahid was displayed.

Siddiqui said that Islamic teachings, especially verses of the Holy Quran, were highlighted through the calligraphy which had a great impact on human beings.

He said that Pakistan is rich in calligraphy talent.

Calligraphy by Wasil Shahid. — X/ @WasilShahidart/File
Calligraphy by Wasil Shahid. — X/ @WasilShahidart/File

"If our calligraphers are patronised, they could promote a soft image of Pakistan at the global level in addition to bringing laurel for the country through their unique artwork.

Pakistan has also credited that artwork of its calligraphers is present in the Masjid-e-Nabvi and the Roza (mausoleum) of the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)," he added.

He said that the people were suffering from depression, stress, anger, and anxiety, and the issues could be redressed by promoting Islamic calligraphy.

He also inaugurated the calligraphy exhibition and appreciated the artwork of Shahid.