February 09, 2024
The host of The Grammys, Trevor Noah made a joke amidst the show that involved Taylor Swift and the former NFL player Terry Crews, but Crews showcased admiration for the efforts.
The 55 year old actor, Terry Alan Crews sat down with People magazine to reflect on Noah’s quippy take during the prestigious night and he said “It was the shock of my life”.
On Swift’s late arrival to the event, Noah did a playful commentary referring to the attention Travis Kelce’s girlfriend gets during the NFL games, “I'm gonna get revenge. Every time someone says Taylor Swift. I'm going to cut the cameras to someone who plays football" he added jestfully before the cameras panning to Terry Crews.
“First of all, you don't want to mess up. I don't want to spill a drink on Beyoncé... I'm like don't step on Babyface's toes, please!", said Crews highlighting the importance and nervousness of the night.
“All I want to do is just enjoy the show and not mess up. Then Trevor puts me on blast in front of billions of people, but it was an honor," he added.
Despite the surprise, Crews continued to praise the comedian and host’s talent and commented, “Trevor didn't insult anybody, he was the perfect host. I see him hosting the Oscars really soon. I think that that's the next step for him 'cause he is killing it as a Grammys host” envisioning Noah’s bright future ahead.
Reflecting on the Grammys, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor called the night ‘insane’ and added, “Probably the best show I've been to in 10 years”, while showcasing admiration for musicians including Tracy Chapman, Billy Jowl and Annie Lennox.