Prince William struggles to maintain work life balance as he takes on King's duties

Prince William to return to work after taking break to look after his cancer-stricken wife Kate Middleton

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Prince William struggles to maintain work life balance as he takes on King’s duties
Prince William struggles to maintain work life balance as he takes on King’s duties

Prince William is said to be struggling to manage his personal life while fulfilling the demands of the state as he has been “forced into a dry run at being king.”

According to Daily Beast, William had planned to stay as the Prince of Wales for several years. However, his plans went off course when King Charles was diagnosed of cancer during first year of reign.

And now, the father-of-three tries to divide his time between his official duties, being there for Kate and taking care of their three kids, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

"William and Kate had hoped to have several decades as Prince and Princess of Wales, and, God willing, they will still get them. But what is interesting about the next few months is that William is being forced into a dry run at being king much sooner than he might have imagined such a thing would come to pass,” the source said.

Another friend of William said, "I think you’ll see him try and balance the demands of state with the demands of being a good family man, taking care of his sick wife and making sure his kids are doing OK.”

"I’m sure that will mean doing more stuff online. He can 'WFH' and do hybrid working a bit. Frankly, it has more impact because it reaches many more people,” they added.