WATCH: Samsung fires shots at Apple's 'crush' ad with 43-second video

Samsung releases new ad trolling Apple's recent ad critcised for 'missing the mark'

Web Desk
Samsung releases new ad taking shot at Apple's 'crush' ad. — YouTube/Hadlee Simons

The world's biggest phone-making rivals have often fired shots at one another and they are at it once again.

Last week, Apple released a new ad for it's iPad Pro causing an internet meltdown and this week, the phone-making giant's rival Samsung has released a short video in response to the widely-criticised ad.

Apple's ad shows creative tools such as paint and instruments being crushed in a hydraulic press to create the ultra-thin and powerful new iPad Pro. 

According to the Business Insider, the ad may have meant to show that the upgraded gadget can do so many things and that it's so thin.

However, many people thought the ad depicted technology replacing humans, especially by crushing their creativity. Apple later apologised, pulled the ad's TV run, and admitted to Ad Age that it "missed the mark".

Now, in its response to Apple's "crush" ad, Samsung has released a 43-second video with the message: "Creativity cannot be crushed."

In the ad, a young woman walks inside a dimly lit room with crushed instruments and debris, and sits on a paint-splattered hydraulic press in the background.

She picks up a partially smashed guitar and begins playing while reading music off of Samsung's Galaxy Tab S9, which has been on the market since August.

Despite the fact that sales recently slumped for both companies, Apple and Samsung are the leaders in tablet sales.