
Recipe: Sweeten your Ramzan with these Chocolate Samosas

Chocolate Samosas recipe

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May 27, 2019
Recipe: Sweeten your Ramzan with these Chocolate Samosas
Chocolate Samosas

While samosas are a staple on all iftar tables during Ramzan, filled with mince, potatoes or other vegetables, give a new lease of life to your taste buds by satisfying your sweet tooth with these tantalizing chocolate samosas.


3 ½ cup of all-purpose flour

2 cups of refined oil

2 ½ cup of dark chocolate

2 ½ tablespoons of pistachios [For filling]

2 cups of sugar [For filling]

8 teaspoons of caster sugar [For filling]

4 tablespoons of ghee [For dough]


Grate dark chocolate in a bowl and melt it by heating in a microwave.

In a separate bowl and mix 6 teaspoons of caster sugar, all-purpose flour and ghee. Keep mixing till the mixture becomes crumbly and then add sufficient water and knead the dough till it becomes firm.

Refrigerate the dough for 7-8 minutes.

To prepare the filling, mix pistachios and melted dark chocolate with the leftover caster sugar in a bowl.

Heat two cups of water in a pan on medium flame and add sugar. Heat till the sugar in the water dissolves completely and the consistency becomes thick after that take the pan off the stove.

Take the refrigerated dough and make palm-sized chapattis from it. Then add two teaspoons of the prepared chocolate-pistachio filling and put it over the chapattis, sealing them from the outside and giving it a shape of a samosa.
