
Cover-up or typo? Confusion in Punjab over COVID-19 data discrepancies

A recent investigation shows there are massive discrepancies and contradictions in the data emerging from Punjab

Benazir Shah
June 11, 2020
Cover-up or typo? Confusion in Punjab over COVID-19 data discrepancies
Photo: AFP

Punjab has come under heavy criticism from opposition political parties and social media users for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. It has been accused of dragging its feet in response to the deadly disease and even playing down its seriousness.

But now a recent investigation by shows that there are also massive discrepancies and contradictions in the data emerging from the province, which has to date recorded the highest number of cases.

Fatalities has compiled the official record of deaths in Punjab, from the daily situation reports of its primary and secondary healthcare department.

Below is what the tally looks like from May 17 to June 6. In some districts, fatalities show a pattern of rising one day and falling the next.

For example, Gujranwala on June 4 recorded 37 deaths. On June 5 that number fell to 32.

Photo: Author

“To be traced”

Till April 29, Punjab’s coronavirus reports included a “to be traced” category. These were positive cases which were yet to be located.

A news report also highlighted this issue after which, on April 30, the “to be traced” category was removed from documents and has yet to be reinstated.

Photo: Author


Till mid-May, Punjab official documents provided a breakdown of recovered patients in each district of the province. There were discrepancies noted in this data as well.

For example, in Jhang, total confirmed cases were 63 on May 13. But the recovered were 65.

When the contradiction was reported on social media, the breakdown of recoveries was removed from official documents.

Healthcare workers

Till the end of May, Punjab’s official data showed that no healthcare worker had died in the province due to coronavirus. But the Young Doctors’ Association, the largest union of doctors in the country, told that seven healthcare professional had died in the province till May 30.

To date, Punjab’s data shows the deaths of only three healthcare providers in the province while YDA puts the figure at 16, of which 14 are doctors.


Punjab reported its first case of the novel virus in its prisons on April 4. Three prisoners were infected in Lahore.

The number then grew to 97 on April 22. Then on April 23, official data showed the number fall to 86.

To date, the number of prisoners who have tested positive remains 86 and no new cases have been reported in over a month.

Details, details, details

It is also important to note here that till early May Punjab’s daily situation reports had a detailed breakdown of hospitals treating coronavirus patients as well as that of suspected cases.

Below is what the report for April 29 looked like:

Photo: Author

Photo: Author

Photo: Author

But the new official reports have been redesigned and are thin on information and details of confirmed cases.
