Women get frustrated over compliments about being social: study

Web Desk
August 10, 2022

Study shows that complimenting women over being collaborative, social frustrates them

Representational image. — Unsplash

A recent study has found that complimenting a woman for collaborating or being social is not considered praise.

A study carried out by a team at Cornell University revealed that compliments supporting gender stereotypes can lead to frustration in co-workers. This also includes positive compliments, according to Study Finds.

Assistant professor Devon Proudfoot ofhuman resource studies at Cornell said: "We find that one reason why women feel more frustrated than men by these positive gendered expectations is that women and men face gender stereotypes that differ in the extent to which they affirm a sense of autonomy."

“We find that this conflict helps explain women’s frustration toward the positive gender stereotypes they experience,” explains Proudfoot.

According to the survey, men and women have different beliefs about whatconstitutes success and work advancement. Men show more independent qualities as compared to women such asassertiveness. Meanwhile, the women have desirable traits likecollaborativeness and being sociable.

However, the study shows that complimenting women over these traits frustrates them.

The authors of the study also noted that this might not be applied universally. Women in India may not find these compliments as annoying.

“What I find interesting is thinking how these Western cultural ideals around autonomy and independence intersect with gender and gendered expectations,” says Proudfoot.

“Our research considers how people’s experiences of gendered trait expectations are dependent on the cultural context they grew up in and the ideal model of self-promoted by that culture.”


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