
Zalmay Khalilzad again tweets in favour of Imran Khan

“I hope the Pakistani political leaders rise above destructive petty politics that undermine the national interest," says...

By  Web Desk   |  
March 22, 2023
Former US envoy for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad. — Courtesy State Department

Former US envoy for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad on Wednesday again advised Pakistan from proceeding against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan despite a piece of advice from the Foreign Office to stay away from domestic issues.

In a series of tweets today, the former US diplomat said there are indications that Pakistan's parliament might well ask the Supreme Court to disqualify Imran Khan from running for election and even prohibit PTI in the next few days.


“The government appears to have decided to set up Imran Khan as Enemy No 1 of the State. Such steps will only deepen Pakistan's triple crises: political, economic, and security. Already, some countries have suspended planned investments,” he claimed.

“The IMF support remains doubtful.”

Khalilzad warned the government that international support for Pakistan will “decline further” and political polarization and violence will “likely increase” if the steps mentioned by him are taken by the authorities.

“I hope the Pakistani political leaders rise above destructive petty politics that undermine the national interest. If not, I hope the Supreme Court says no to being used in games that undermine the nation's interests. I am becoming increasingly concerned about Pakistan.”

Last week, the Foreign Office reacted strongly to Khalilzad’s “lectures” and told him that his feedback is not needed.

“Pakistan does not need lectures or unsolicited advice from anyone on how to cope with the challenges we face today. As a resilient nation, we will come out stronger from the present difficult situation.”

It is important to note that the PTI has engaged lobbying firms in the US after which a number of Congressmen and other influential figures have spoken in favour of the former prime minister.

The former ruling party has been embroiled in controversies facing multiple legal challenges since its ouster from the government.
