Another patient admitted to JPMC over Congo fever fears

Khawar Khan
Another patient admitted to JPMC over Congo fever fears

KARACHI: Another patient was admitted to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) on Thursday in Karachi over Congo fever fears.

According to Deputy Director JPMC, 15-year-old Shahid Khan, a resident of Karachi’s Lasbella, reached the hospital today.

“Shahid was rushed to an isolation ward after headache, fever and bleeding from his nose”, added Dr Jamali.

So far six people have died from Congo fever in the port city.

Director Health Karachi Dr Shakor Abbasi said that as Eid-Ul-Azha was approaching, the chances were increasing of people getting infected with the disease.

Health expert urged that if anybody has symptoms such as headache, vomiting, red eyes, severe pain in body and bleeding should rush to a nearby hospital as early diagnose of the disease could save a life.

Congo is a virus which lives on animal’s skin called ticks.

Mostly animals that have heavy hairs on their skin would have more chances of carrying ticks.

Health experts urged that people should go to the cattle market in the morning, wear light colours and cover their face and hands.