‘Curfew clock’ launched in London, NY to track India’s Kashmir clampdown

Vans in London. NY were seen carrying 'curfew clock' showing the number of days Kashmir has been under curfew

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Seven vans appeared at key London locations carrying illuminated artwork highlighting the real situation in Indian occupied Kashmir. Photo: Geo News
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LONDON: Kashmiris have launched ‘curfew clock’ campaign in London and New York to highlight the dreadful curfew imposed by Narendra Modi’s government on more than seven million Kashmiris after revoking Article 370.

On Friday night, seven vans appeared at key London locations carrying illuminated artwork highlighting the real situation in Indian occupied Kashmir through to inform the world about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Kashmir as a result of actions of Modi’s government.

With the hashtag of #SaveKashmir highlighted prominently, the London vans were carrying a curfew clock which showed the number of days, hours and minutes since the BJP government slapped dreadful curfew conditions across the occupied Kashmir region. The curfew has now entered its fifth week in the valley with the “curfew clock” showing every minute as the clampdown and curfew conditions remain in place.

The clock with the blood is dripping, demonstrates the bloodshed and rights violations of Kashmiris by Indian occupied forces.

The banner headline on the vans, written in red, said, “Kashmir under Indian siege, knocking at the world’s conscience”.

Also in New York on Friday, two vehicles appeared before the UN building showing to the world body the number of days for which there has been a curfew in place. The ‘Indian curfew clock” read that curfew in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir going on for over five weeks was “a challenge to the world conscience”.

London has seen a large scale activity in support of the people of Kashmir. Photo: Geo Newss
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London has seen a large scale activity in support of the people of Kashmir. Arguably, two of the biggest protests in support of Kashmir have held in London, not once but twice in the span of one month. The first protest was held on August 16 and the second on September 3. Both protests saw at least 15 thousand turning out to condemn the Indian government’s actions in Kashmir.

In January 2018, a Kashmiri group launched in London vans and buses “bleeding paradise, let Kashmir choose” publicity campaign on Indian occupied Kashmir to show Britons and international visitors what the Indian government under Modi was doing to the oppressed people of Kashmir.

In that campaign, vans carried slogans such as “Bleeding Paradise, where freedom has a price”, Bleeding paradise, where rape is the weapon”, “Thousands of Kashmiri women have been the victim”, “Save Kashmir, save humanity”, “Over 95 thousand innocent Kashmiri innocents killed”.