Pakistan rejects Modi's claims of democracy in India-occupied Kashmir

RSS-BJP brand of "democracy" only means the muzzling of the Kashmiri voice and will, says Pakistan

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs. — Radio Pakistan/File
  • Foreign Office says RSS-BJP brand of "democracy" only means the muzzling of the Kashmiri voice and will
  • Says elections were the first such exercise since incumbent regime revoked occupied Kashmir's special status
  • Says India could neither deceive Kashmiri people nor mislead global community

Pakistan on Saturday rejected Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s preposterous and fallacious claims about "democracy" in India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, a statement from the Foreign Office said.

Modi's made the statement following the so-called election of the “District Development Council.” The RSS-BJP brand of "democracy" only means the muzzling of the Kashmiri voice and will, under the bayonets of Indian army guns, the FO said.

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The elections in the territory were the first such exercise since the incumbent regime had revoked occupied Kashmir's special status.

"The ‘new chapter’ that the RSS-BJP regime is writing in [occupied Kashmir] is one marked by brutal military siege since 5 August 2019, egregious violations of human rights in the occupied territory, and untold sufferings for the Kashmiri people," it said.

The statement highlighted that the Indian narrative could neither deceive the Kashmiri people nor mislead the international community, adding that it could not divert attention from the core issue of the Kashmiris’ inalienable right to self-determination.

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The Foreign Office said that India should end its occupation and hold a plebiscite that would allow the Kashmiris to exercise their right of self-determination.