Saddam Hussein movie 'The Prisoner in His Palace,' in the works from 'Chernobyl' director

'Chernobyl' director Johan Renck is directing 'The Prisoner in His Palace' which focuses on the perspective of the captors of Saddam Hussein

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Saddam Hussein movie The Prisoner in His Palace, in the works from Chernobyl director

Chernobyl director Johan Renck and producer Michael Parets are developing a Saddam Hussein movie from Fremantle and Sinestra production outfit.

The movie is titled, The Prisoner in His Palace: Saddam Hussein, His American Guards, and What History Leaves Unsaid.

As per Variety, the movie explores two opposing features of Saddam Hussein, one where he is a "cruel tyrant who uses torture and murder as tools and the contemplative prisoner who exhibits surprising affection, dignity, and courage in the face of death."

The movie is based on Will Bardenwerper’s bestselling book of the same name and focuses on the effect Saddam Hussein's presence had on the 12 U.S. soldiers who were designated to guard him during the period preceding his execution.

Michael Parets, the producer said, "Will Bardenwerper astonished us with his fearless examination of the paradox that was Saddam Hussein. While not shying away from the profound cruelty of Saddam’s reign, Will ushers us into unsettling intimacy with the perplexingly real human being behind the sceptre."

"It is a challenging and vital book, we couldn’t be more grateful to our friends at Fremantle for their continued support and partnership," he added.