WATCH: Koala predicts Australia to beat England in FIFA Women's World Cup semis

Matilda had previously predicted Australia's victory over France in the quarter-finals on August 12

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A Koala named Matilda, famous for its accurate predictions about sporting events, has predicted that Australia would beat England in the semi-final of the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023.

Amid their active four-hour window, koalas like Matilda focus on choosing what tree to snack on. However, Matilda, a young Joey, faced a more important decision on Tuesday (August 15). Waking from a 20-hour sleep, she relied on her instincts to select between an Australian scarf and an English scarf within her enclosure at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.

Matilda's loyalty to the Matildas proved noteworthy, as she had previously predicted Australia's victory over France in the quarter-finals on August 12. The sanctuary aptly named her just days before Australia's co-hosted match against Canada. 

Her fortunate influence continued as Australia triumphed 4-0 and subsequently secured a 2-0 win against Denmark in the round of 16, demonstrating Matilda's unexpected role as a sports enthusiast.

This video highlights Matilda the koala's unusual role as a "psychic" predictor for Australia's soccer victories, adding an engaging and unique aspect to the wildlife sanctuary's narrative.