Prince Harry ‘out in cold' as Royal comeback deemed ‘impossible'

Prince Harry cannot serve in place of King Charles during testing time s

Web Desk

Prince Harry has seemingly lost an important Royal title with his residence change.

The Duke of Sussex, who has declared his primary residence to be US, can never fill in for King Charles as the Counsellor of State.

While Harry is happy at the decision, royal expert Tom Quinn notes the move has left the Duke ‘out in the cold.’

He tells Mirror: “There are more profound implications of the change of main residence - because he is a prince of the royal blood and still fifth in line to the throne, Harry is, in theory, still a counsellor of state, charged with carrying out the official duties of the monarch should King Charles become incapacitated.”

Quinn continued: “For Harry that is now impossible. The change of residency comes on top of a statement in 2022 from the crown to Parliament that only working members of Royal family will ever be called upon to fill in for the monarch. So that leaves Harry out in the cold where he thinks he wants to be - for now. With his change of primary residence Harry is saying: ‘If Britain doesn’t want me, then I don’t want Britain.”