Everything from Prince Harry's second memoir laid bare

Prince Harry’s plans for his second memoir have been brought to light

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Everything from Prince Harrys second memoir laid bare
Everything from Prince Harry's second memoir laid bare

Experts have just started to weigh in on the potential bombshells Prince Harry may add and address in the second installment of his memoir, which many suspect may be well on its way.

All the possibilities have been referenced by royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams.

He weighed in on things during one of his most recent interviews with GB News.

During that chat he touched on everything that couple have yet to offer insight on and started with their possible reasons for estranging themselves from the Royal Family.

In the eyes of Mr Fitzwilliams, “Before the engagement, it has never been explained why Harry has never met Thomas Markle.”

“That is something that perhaps will be explained in a future memoir, but this is all very sad business.”

However, at the same time, “it’s not going to be resolved,” with this.

“The fact that Thomas is appealing to King Charles and so forth is not going to mean anything happens, I’m afraid.”

“As far as the wider royal drift is concerned, the Royal Family have other priorities at the moment, putting it mildly,” he also chimed in to say before signing off.