European Parliament to exchange views on occupied Kashmir

European Parliament has requested European External Action Service to submit a full report of human rights and international law

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European Parliament has requested European External Action Service to submit a full report of human rights and international law. Photo: AFP
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BRUSSELS: The European Parliament will take on the issue of Kashmir in its upcoming session on Monday, September 2nd.

The European Parliament which will resume after a recess of six weeks has requested the European External Action Service (Foreign Ministry of European Union) to submit a full report consisting of violation of human rights and international law.

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Farooqi Haider will be present at the European Parliament when it will discuss the Kashmir issue.

The chairman of the Kashmir Council EU has said that the lockdown in Kashmir which entered its fourth week, this week is a matter of concern.

A large number of Pakistanis gathered at the Pakistani embassy in Brussels on Friday to show solidarity with the Kashmiris upon the call of Prime Minister Imran Khan. 

Since August 5, the Kashmiri Diaspora, the Kashmir Council EU, JKLF, Free Kashmir organizations have been protesting in front of the EU Foreign Ministry. They have also organised protests in front of the Indian embassy in Belgium and various other European cities.

Large demonstration were also held on Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi’s visit to Paris last weekend.