Watch: Hundreds of fish found floating dead

Contractor who cleaned the tank says four trucks of fish had to be removed

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Hundreds of fish found floating dead at the Banganga Tank in Mumbais Malabar Hill area in India. — fpjindia
Hundreds of fish found floating dead at the Banganga Tank in Mumbai's Malabar Hill area in India. — fpjindia

Hundreds of fish were found floating dead at the Banganga Tank in Mumbai's Malabar Hill area in India.

The exact cause of this incident is yet to be ascertained, but it could be due to water pollution. The cleaning is underway.

According to The Free Press Journal, the contractor who cleaned the tank told them that four trucks of fish had to be removed.

In a video of the incident posted by The Hindustan Times on Instagram, some men could be seen sweeping the fish into a net with their hands.