Watch: Children meet Batman at hospital

Wearing a traditional and realistic Batman garb, man slides down and stops at glass window, giving kids a surprise visit

Web Desk
Children watching the man say hi and wave at him, cheering happily.—Screengrab via Twitter/@TheSun
Children watching the man say "hi" and wave at him, cheering happily.—Screengrab via Twitter/@TheSun

"Batman" visiting a hospital is a rare sight. However, the superhero was in fact seen saving the day for many children.

The spectacle was captured on camera and its video went viral on social media. It was later published by The Sun.

A man visited a children's hospital wearing the famous DC character's costume. 

In the video, a man could be seen climbing down to a window. 

Wearing a traditional and realistic Batman garb, he slides down and stops at the glass window, giving the kids a surprise visit.

Children watching the man happily say "hi" and wave at him, cheering and jumping happily. 

Some women can also be heard cheering and giggling in the background, encouraging the children. 

A user said: "We need more such people. How heart-warming!!!"