New lawsuit in US likely to put Prince Harry in a fix

New lawsuit in US likely to put Prince Harry in a fix

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New lawsuit in US likely to put Prince Harry in a fix

The Department of Homeland Security has been sued for Prince Harry's immigration record.

The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project is seeking information from the government authorities whether the Duke of Sussex receive preferential treatment from the US government.

It said Prince Harry admitted in his book, Spare, to being a prolific drug user. In complaint the organization said under the "U.S. immigration law, you can’t come in if you admit to a drug crime. You can only come in temporarily if you get a waiver."

The organization said, "Our lawsuit seeks to uncover records to determine whether the Prince received preferential treatment during his immigration process."

"DHS’s refusal to answer our lawful FOIA request doesn’t pass the laugh test. They inferred Prince Harry apparently has a privacy interest in his drug use, even though he wrote about it in his book!We brought up how crazy that sounds in our lawsuit."

The Oversight Project said, "This isn’t about Prince Harry personally; this is about answering massive media questions regarding whether DHS acted appropriately in an extremely high-profile and unusual case."