Prince Harry is risking everything he's ‘broken bonds over' with US citizenship

Experts break silence on whether Prince Harry stands a chance at getting his American citizenship

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Prince Harry is risking everything hes ‘broken bonds over with US citizenship

Prince Harry chances at becoming a US citizen have just been referenced by experts.

For those unversed, this news has come to light considering the fact that US immigration policy dictates “any applicant who has any titles of heredity or positions of nobility in any foreign state must renounce the title or the position.”

Even Ms Ingrid Seward doubled down on everything and said, “He would have to renounce his royal titles if he were to become an American citizen.”

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A conversation surrounding the topic arose during Prince Harry’s interview with Will Reeve, the son of Christopher Reeves.

He asked the Duke, “Do you feel American?”

This prompted Prince Harry to say, “Do I feel American? No... I don't know how I feel.”

However, “I have considered it but I have no idea. I'm here standing next to these guys. The American citizenship is a thought that has crossed my mind, but certainly not something that is a priority for me right now.”