6 best natural remedies for cold and flu symptoms: Tips for relief

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6 best natural remedies for cold and flu symptoms: Tips for relief
6 best natural remedies for cold and flu symptoms: Tips for relief

Cold and flu can disrupt your daily life, and most of the medications you take to treat the symptoms are sleep-inducing, making it harder for you to go about your day-to-day activities.

But worry no more! Here are six natural remedies for cold and flu with simple tips and tricks that would help calm your symptoms down without resorting to medications.

This article will provide practical advice for alleviating discomfort and support your immune system whenever it gets hit with cold or flu.

1. Recognize when to refrain from treating symptoms:

Do not start taking natural remedies right away after you are hit with cold or flu. Let you your body’s immune system fight off illness in the beginning when you get the symptoms such as fever, cough, a stuffy nose etc.

Enduring the fever would help you in recovering faster as it creates an environment less hospitable for the viruses to service. While coughing clears mucus from airways, a stuffy nose can help in throwing germs out of your body.

2. Blow your nose

Gently blow your nose when you get cold or flu as it helps in preventing congestion from returning to the ear passages, causing earaches.

3. Rinse your nose with warm water

Use warm salt water to rinse your nasal cavity as it helps break up nasal congestion and also helps in removing virus particles and bacteria residing in your nose.

4. Take rest

Take as must rest as possible and keep your body warm. When your body is relaxed, more of the energy would be directed to your immune system to fight the disease.

5. Gargle with saltwater

Gargling using saltwater will bring temporary relief to your soaring throat. Gargle four times a day with a solution of half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in 8 ounces of warm water.

6. Drink hot liquids

Drink hot liquids such as tea, chicken broth or soup and lots of water to keep yourself from getting dehydrated. They are Effective in easing nasal congestion and calming the irritated membranes in your nose and throat.