Prince Harry under fire for his governing decisions that orphaned children

Prince Harry has found himself on the receiving end of a mess

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Prince Harry under fire for his governing decisions that orphaned children

Prince Harry has just been ridiculed for finding himself in a mess of his own, while attempting to work on two world-wide issues to mitigate their spread.

For those unversed this is in reference to the Duke’s African conservation drive as well as their cause against online hate and bullying.

Royal commentator Daniela Elser referenced all of this in her piece for

The piece spoke of the irony at play and referenced Prince Harry’s fight for animal rights, which he joined as a president of the African Parks (AP) conservation charity.

It is pertinent to mention that even a former AP executive himself backed calls for Prince Harry to stand down after his 2022 elephant relocation bid left 41 children orphaned, after nine people from Malawi were killed by said elephants.

In the eyes of this former executive, “Yes, there is a role for celebrities as patrons or ambassadors, but not on a governing board. Harry has neither the tools nor experience to navigate his way through such crises.”

In regards to Ms Elser’s thoughts in all of this, she concluded by calling the entire thing “a mess” of the highest order.

Because “the Sussexes chose two issues — online hate and African conservation — as tent pole causes and which should have translated to universal approval and applause and which instead have, through no fault of their own, landed them in it.”