Glad that Zardari is returning to Pakistan: PM

PM says former President Zardari will keep PPP's control in his hands

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BOSNIA: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said he was glad that Pakistan People’s Party Co-Chairman and former President Asif Ali Zardari was returning to the country.

He was speaking to journalists on Thursday during his visit to Bosnia. “I am actually very happy that Zardari is returning to Pakistan,” he said, adding the former president will keep “his party’s” control in his hands.

Zardari will land in Karachi on December 23 (tomorrow) via a special flight, PPP said.

When a journalist asked the prime minster how did the year 2016 go for him, he said, “Alhamdulillah (Thank God) it went well, it could have gone better.”

“If everybody performs his duties then Pakistan will perform better,” he said.

Prime Minister Sharif said that his government will end in another one and a half year. “Our government worked. What did the people who had a seven-point agenda do? In their tenure the country was marred by load-shedding and terrorism.”

The prime minister added that due to protests nine months of the country were wasted. “Despite protests we will solve the problem of load-shedding by 2018.”

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday arrived in the Bosnian capital on a three-day official visit, accompanied by his wife and PM’s Special Assistant on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi.