The truth about being a working mother in Pakistan

Life as a working mother means multi-tasking, trying to balance work with the duties of a mother and dealing with mommy guilt

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Picture: Stock/file

A woman plays an important role in society. Regardless of what role is assigned to her, she will always work hard to do justice to it.

Women are the foundation stone of any family, but the struggle and stress that comes with a woman juggling domestic responsibilities with professional ones is also very real.

Life as a working mother means multi-tasking, trying to balance work with the duties of a mother and dealing with mommy guilt, that never seems to go away.

On top of all this, are the ridiculous stereotypes people in our society impose on women at home and at work. Women who work are labelled as “selfish”, because they prioritize work over their family and children. At work, employers remain skeptical about the performance of working moms. Since most decision-making roles are still with men, they constantly question the woman’s performance. Can she do it? How will she manage?

No matter how hard women work, they are always accused of not being able to focus enough on work due to divided attention.

Thus, working mothers constantly fight a battle to keep their problems to themselves. They don’t share them with their families or employers for fear of being misunderstood.

In Pakistan, after a woman gets married, some are not allowed to work. Those who are, have to deal with near daily distress and the constant sense of guilt for leaving their children behind.

On an encouraging note though, nowadays some employers empathize with their female employees and try to accommodate them by offering flexible working hours or day-care at the office.

With changing times and regardless of all the prejudices they still face in their daily lives, working mothers seem to have taken over the professional world and are seen thriving and excelling at their workplaces.

With new pro-women laws in Pakistan, working mothers have started to develop confidence to combat the odds they face.

They are able to raise their voices and concerns. Media has also played a vital role in extending continued support for women rights and recognizing their efforts.

Men and women are two important pillars of society. Women empowerment and appreciation has to be ensured in every possible way.

It's important to remember that only a mother who is appreciated and valued can nurture a family with good values and a better future.

Neelam Yousaf is a television anchor at Geo News. She tweets @neelumusaf24