Police arrest 47 in connection with tensions in UK after Pakistan-India cricket match

Police had to be deployed after the conflicts between the two parties caused "serious disorder" in Leicester

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Leicestershire Police dealing with men who took to streets in the British city. — BBC
 Leicestershire Police dealing with men who took to streets in the British city. — BBC

  • Tensions arose between different communities after cricket match between Pakistan, India.
  • Conflicts between the two parties caused "serious disorder".
  • Both Pakistan and India have condemned the situation.

The Leicestershire Police has arrested at least 47 people who are suspected of being involved in the tensions between members of two communities following the Aug 28 cricket match between Pakistan and India.

There have been tensions in the British city of Leicester since the Indo-Pak match but conflicts fueled on Saturday after young men from both communities took to the streets.

Police had to be deployed after the conflicts between the two parties caused "serious disorder". 

Initially, police had arrested two people suspecting them of conspiring violent protests. Later, however, 15 more arrests were made on Sunday, according to the BBC.

“In total, 47 people have been arrested for offenses in relation to the unrest in the east of the city,” police said, adding that some of those arrested were from outside the city.

A 20-year-old man, who was arrested during the conflicts in East Leicester, has been jailed for 10 months, the police statement read.

“Amos Noronha, of Illingworth Road, Leicester, appeared at Leicester Magistrate’s Court this morning (Monday) and pleaded guilty to possession of an offensive weapon."

The police said Tuesday morning that the patrols were proactive, keeping the situation calm.

On Monday, the Muslim Council of Britain said in a statement that it "condemns the targeting of Muslim communities in Leicester by far-right groups."

The council's secretary general Zara Mohammed said that communities have been expressing concerns about the "propaganda perpetuated by far-right groups in India".

Similarly, the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre took to Twitter and wrote: "We are deeply concerned by the events unfolding in #Leicester. No community should have to live in fear of attacks or violence, and we urge community leaders and the police to intervene in helping to restore community safety and order."

The Pakistan High Commission in London said on Tuesday that this was "not the first time incidents have been reported in Leicester". 

It added, however, that it trusts UK authorities to thoroughly investigate the matter and "deal with promoters and perpetrators of violence according to the law."

Pakistan has condemned what it has called the "systematic campaign of violence and intimidation against the Muslims of the area."

On the other hand, the High Commission of India in London has called it the “violence perpetrated against the Indian community in Leicester, and vandalisation of premises and symbols of Hindu religion”.

“We have strongly taken up this matter with the UK authorities and have sought immediate action against those involved in these attacks,” the statement read.