Karachi: Police instructed to not flash pistols when stopping people during snap-checking

Complaints were filed against police officers for flashing their weapons while stopping citizens in metropolis, sources say

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A police officer stands beside a police mobile in Karachi during snap-checking. — Photo by author
A police officer stands beside a police mobile in Karachi during snap-checking. — Photo by author

KARACHI: Deputy Inspector-General (East) Muqaddas Haider Wednesday directed police officers to not flash their pistols at commuters while stopping them during snap-checking.

Sources informed Geo News that complaints were filed against police officers for flashing their weapons while stopping citizens in the metropolis.

In response, the DIG told the police officers in a letter — which was radioed to the officers as well — that they should not hold pistols in their hands or make them visible during snap-checking.

The DIG East has also directed the Police Control Room that police officers should keep their pistols on them with the prescribed covers hanging from their belts.

Senior superintendents of police (SSPs) in the city have also been directed to ensure police officials from their districts follow the code of conduct for snap-checking.

It is important to note that flashing arms or stopping citizens at gunpoint during checking spreads fear and panic. It has profound effects on children, especially those with weak hearts.

Such activities are also strictly prohibited as per police rules.