All we know about 18th century man who had world's longest nose

Guinness World Records has registered Thomas Wedders' name in the book for his alleged 7.5-inch nose

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Thomas Wedders, a man from the 18th century who is believed to have the worlds longest nose, measuring 7.5 inches or 19 cm.— Twitter
Thomas Wedders, a man from the 18th century who is believed to have the world's longest nose, measuring 7.5 inches or 19 cm.— Twitter

It has been 300 years but no one has been able to break the record of Thomas Wedders, a man from the 18th century who is believed to have the world's longest nose, measuring 7.5 inches or 19 cm. 

It is believed that the man travelled all around Yorkshire to display his nose but unfortunately there weren't any cameras at the time to record images of the shocking nose.

The Guinness World Records has registered Wedders' name in the book for his alleged 7.5-inch nose.

"There are historical accounts that Thomas Wedders, who lived in England during the 1770s and was a member of a travelling freak circus, had a nose measuring 19 cm (7.5 in) long," reads the official site.

Following is an extract from The Strand Magazine, Vol XI, which was released in 1896:

"Thus, if noses were ever uniformly exact in representing the importance of the individual, this worthy ought to have amassed all the money in Threadneedle Street and conquered all Europe, for this prodigious nose of his was a compound of the acquisitive with the martial.

But either his chin was too weak or his brow too low, or Nature had so exhausted herself in the task of giving this prodigy a nose as to altogether forget to endow him with brains; or perhaps, the nose crowded out this latter commodity."

The article further said that the Yorkshire man died in the same condition that he lived in: "... in a condition of mind best described as the most abject idiocy."

Thanks to a wax sculpture someone developed, Wedders has been forever immortalised. The artwork is in Ripley's Believe It or Not museum.

While not much is known about his life, we know about his performances in circus sideshows. Reportedly, he died in the same city he was born in during his early 50s.

Recently, Wedders' image went viral on social media, leaving users in shock at the massive nose.

A Reddit user said: "What is actually happening here? Tumor? Growth? Random genetic mishap? Do the nostrils extend all the way to the tip?? I have so many questions…"

Some compared the Yorkshire man's nose to the famous cartoon character Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants. Others found him similar to another character Pinocchio.