'I canceled my subscription': Israeli uproar over Netflix Palestinian film 'Farha'

Netflix's 'Farha' depicts story of Israeli soldiers murder Palestinian family in 1948 Nakba events

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I canceled my subscription: Israeli uproar over Netflix Palestinian film Farha
'I canceled my subscription': Israeli uproar over Netflix Palestinian film 'Farha'

Israeli are canceling their Netflix subscription over Jordanian filmmaker Doreen J. Salam's film Farha, which tells the story of a Palestinian family executed by Israeli soldiers.

According to i24, Netflix subscribers in Israel condemned the film, which centers on the Nakba (catastrophe in Arabic, meaning Palestinians the creation of the State of Israel). The movie also has a shocking 15-minute scene where Israeli soldiers massacre a Palestinian refugee family, including a one-year-old.

The reaction to the film streaming on the platform is adverse, with one streamer saying, "After more than two years of subscription, I have decided to cancel it due to Netflix's support for the anti-Israeli film."

"Netflix supports such a shocking and unrealistic scene that is not in line with Israeli and Jewish morality at all. I cannot subscribe to a site that has endorsed such a shocking scene in which [Israeli] soldiers are portrayed as vile as murderers without heart and without any humanity," another subscriber added.

"I hope that a massive abandonment by Israelis will make Netflix realize that they made a mistake buying the film and change their decision on this. There is always room for criticism, but an objective review based on real cases," he said.

The movie Farha is currently streaming on Netflix.