Man shares unique way to heal post-heartbreak pain

Idea of “Heartbreak Insurance Fund (HIF)” is to exit relationship with wallet full of cash

Web Desk
An illustration of a broken heart. — Pixabay
An illustration of a broken heart. — Pixabay

Breakups can be difficult to overcome, often leaving you heartbroken for a good few days, weeks, months or years. But what’s worse is the time, energy and, more importantly, money one invests in a relationship in the bid to make memories with one’s partner.

If in a relationship, one invests all three — and that, too, with utter sincerity — then the pain of a heartbreak may last for longer and cause some irreparable damage to one’s fragile heart.

To overcome the pain or at least reduce its intensity, a man on Twitter shared what kept him going post a painful heartbreak after he was cheated on by his girlfriend.

The young guy shared a unique idea of getting over the betrayal and what’s better is that it involves thousands of rupees in cash.

Prateek Aaryan, a Twitter user, said that he got Rs25,000 because his girls friend cheated on him.

“When Our relationship started we deposited a monthly Rs 500 each into a joint account during relationship and made a policy that whoever gets cheated on, will walk away with all money,” he wrote in his tweet, leaving Twitterati amazed at his lucrative idea.

He named this unique strategy the “Heartbreak Insurance Fund (HIF)”. But Prateek also added that the policy is only for “loyal ones” hinting at how women could benefit more from the proposition.

“Why women think that they can get benefit of Heartbreak Insuarance Fund (HIF) in relationship. This policy is only for loyal ones,” he tweeted.

Soon after his tweet went viral, Prateek was bombarded with messages of sympathy and concern for his freshly-broken heart, while some netizens were curious about what he’ll do with the “acquired fortune” and whether it helped heal his fragile heart.

Reacting to his smart idea, one tweep asked Prateek what he’ll do with “so much money” to which the he replied about investing in the next relationship.

Another came with a handful of monetary advice saying that Rs25,000 was not “good enough to cover losses” — deeming it “underinsurance” — incurred in the relationship and that the heartbroken lad made a few “fundamental mistakes”.

He added that Rs500 per month is a “too small amount” and anyone would walk into that contract.

Prateek in response told the tweep named Sumit that him and his ex were just 20 and money was collected through the pocket money received from parents.

“Next time I will invest 50K per month,” he joked.

One Twitter user quipped that the fund was not for him. “I am out,” he tweeted, hinting towards himself being the cheating partner and losing the money instead.