DIG Motorway warns of driving hazards in Ramadan

To ensure a safe journey, drivers should prioritise getting sufficient sleep and rest before setting out on long drives

Web Desk
AFP file photo of a man on the driving wheel.
AFP file photo of a man on the driving wheel. 

ISLAMABAD: As the holy month of Ramadan is observed by Muslims worldwide, it is imperative for drivers to exercise additional precautions, as modifications to their eating, drinking, and sleeping patterns may affect their performance behind the wheel.

DIG Motorway North Zone Muhammad Yosuf Malik highlighted that drivers may experience tiredness, sleepiness, or weakness while driving. Medical experts advise individuals with underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, to take additional precautions before embarking on a long journey.

To guarantee a safe journey, drivers should prioritise getting sufficient sleep and rest before setting out on long drives. They should also take breaks when feeling tired or drowsy during their journey, stopping at a secure location to rest. It's also essential to plan journeys to prevent exhaustion and ensure drivers reach their destination safely.

Additionally, drivers should always fasten their seat belts, obey traffic laws, avoid speeding, and focus on the road. If there's an emergency or they require assistance, drivers can contact the helpline 130.

By following these guidelines, drivers can ensure a comfortable and safe journey during these blessed days.