Why's Elon Musk upset over crypto mastermind Vitalik Buterin leaving X for Fracaster?

Tesla-owner questions why Ethereum co-creator left X, while Autism Capital believes Buterin should "get back on X"

Web Desk
Will Vitalik Buterin return to X after Musks veiled plea? Crypto community watches closely. —X/File
Will Vitalik Buterin return to X after Musk's veiled plea? Crypto community watches closely. —X/File

Elon Musk Monday took to X, the social media platform he owns (formerly known as Twitter), and shot a question at Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, The Block reported.

According to the fintech news website, Musk's query, a seemingly simple but charged "why," was directed in the form of a reply to a tweet from Autism Capital, a cryptocurrency content account. Autism Capital believes Buterin should "get back on X".

This transaction of tweets has set off a chain reaction of speculations.

Buterin, a prominent figure in the crypto world, has been noticeably out of the picture at X since its acquisition by Musk. Instead, he's been found to be deeply involved with Farcaster, a platform built specifically for the crypto community and dubbed as a "Twitter-like" space.

Musk's question has left the internet wondering whether is it a genuine inquiry, or if is there more to it than what meets the eye. Is it just a playful poke at Buterin's quitting X or a cryptic message to lasso him back to the platform? Nobdoby knows what motivated Musk to post that tweet, but one thing is sure it has stirred the pot in the social media and crypto worlds.

"Farcaster feels like it's gotten to the point where it's quite usable as a Twitter alternative for lots of people," he wrote in February, adding: "The channels thing actually makes it *better* in many ways in my opinion."

Farcaster stole a good deal of limelight. The launch of Frames helped the platform's daily active users scale new peaks. This boosted the revenues.

"Farcaster isn’t going to win the culture war," Autism Capital opined. "If he wants Ethereum to shine he should engage more on [X], not sequester himself with his chosen peers on an island. He will have far more impact if he engages the bigger community here."

Vitalik Buterin seems to have found a home on Farcaster. While his X account, with a staggering 5.2 million followers, is still quite active, it's on Farcaster that he's built a jaw-dropping following of nearly 180,000.

 Notably, this Farcaster account is even linked to his Ethereum Name Service address (vitalik.eth), clearly showing how deep he is into the crypto-verse.