Meet Jais Chat, Arabic chatbot recently unveiled by UAE

UAE unveils bilingual chatbot by Abu Dhabi's AI and cloud company, G42

Web Desk
UAE unveils chatbot named Jais Chat  for efficient processing of Arabic text. — The National via Core42

The United Arab Emirates has unveiled its bilingual chatbot, Jais Chat, developed by Core42, a unit of Abu Dhabi's artificial intelligence and cloud company, G42, The National reported.

The Arabic and English chatbot has been engineered with an Arabic-centric model for efficient processing of Arabic text, according to Core42.

According to the report, its interface is similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT or Microsoft's Copilot as users can use prompts to get answers, gather information, and find solutions that might elude conventional search engines.

The bilingual chatbot is based on G42's large language model for Arabic, called "Jais".

It was released last year in collaboration with Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence and Silicon Valley-based Cerebras Systems.

Andrew Jackson, executive vice president and chief AI officer at Core42 says Jais reshapes "how bilingual individuals interact with technology" with its Arabic-first approach.

The name of the app, Jais, refers to the UAE's highest peak in Ras Al Khaimah.

The company behind Jais Chat also revealed that the chatbot, in the future, may enable document processing, voice conversation capabilities, and enterprise support with subscription models for businesses seeking customised functionalities.