72% of second-generation Pakistanis in Norway are college-educated: report

Overall 73% of Norwegians have college-level education

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Journalist Kadafi Zaman (L) and his father Chaudhry Zaman were selected in the survey as examples of the good higher educational ratio among Norwegian Pakistanis

Around 72.4% of second-generation of Pakistanis living in Norway are college-educated, almost at par with the statistics for overall Norwegians, reveals a survey conducted by the Ministry of Education of Norway.

The statistics show that Pakistanis in Norway have brought their level of college education to almost that of native Norwegians – an impressive feat for the Pakistani immigrant community.

The survey, which was published in an online Norwegian newspaper, also reveals that the second generation of immigrant women will soon achieve higher education levels equal to those of other Norwegians.

Four years ago, 70.6% of all pupils in Norway had completed high school/intermediate education. The proportion of Norwegian-born pupils with immigrant parents such as Pakistanis stood at 66.3%.

Teachers, students and their parents worked hard in last four years to achieve the increase in the proportion of college-educated population, the report stated, adding that many of the new-generation with foreign background became positive contributors to the national economy.

The report contained example of a Norwegian journalist of Pakistani origin, Kadafi Zaman, whose parents migrated to Norway in 1970s, after being born and raised in a village in Gujrat.

“I am proud that my parents were educated and they took care of my education with all of their attention,” said Kadafi Zaman.

His father, Chaudhry Zaman, also expressed satisfaction at the education of his children, including Kadafi.

Deputy Mayor of Drammen Syed Yousaf Gilani

Talking to Geo News, Deputy Mayor of Drammen city of Norway Syed Yousaf Gilani said that the new generation of Pakistanis in Norway is not only ahead in education but is also playing an active role in the country’s politics.

Gilani, who was born in Norway and whose parents are from Pakistan, added that four people of Pakistani background have been elected as members of national parliament in the recent Norwegian elections.